My best friends dad gay videos

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Before i manged to get away, he almost managed to pull my shorts off. I did get slightly aroused but at the same time i knew that this WILDLY inappropriate, and immediately got up quite alrmed. I said 'Zack, what the hell are you doing?' to which he just snuck his hands down my shorst and grabbed it, and started jacking it. He reached over to pick up the chips, and started rubbing up on my.well you know. Out of nowhere, he dropped a few chips on my crotch. So i was watching with disinterest whatever Zack was watching (it was stupid teen drama show). I came downstairs and sat on the couch too, cause i took sick leave that day and had nothing to do. My son said he'd be back, and Zack was sitting on the couch watching TV and eating chips. My son said that he forgot the project file at another friends house, who happened to live about 25 minutes. One day, his best friend, who i'll just call Zack for the sake of this discssion, was at our home since they had a school project or something.

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His best friend (15) is openly gay, and tbh it's not even a subject that comes up : It's 2014, people can live however they want.

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(Reposting because my thread was deleted)

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